Well done! Was this made in TVpaint?
Well done! Was this made in TVpaint?
Yeah! Animated in TVPaint, bgs are a mix of TVPaint/Photoshop and then some extra compositing in After Effects!
Just awesome. Straight to frontpage ye go!
Thank you so much! I hope so!!
Glad you enjoyed it!
I'm severely disappointed in every user who gave this masterpiece anything less than 5 stars
I appreciate that! Thank you.
Good job!!!! Very detailed animation and funny premise :) Keep it up!!
Thank you, very much!
Rock of Ages!!
I'm so happy to find someone else who knows that incredible series!
You actually don't need to export an image at any FPS
Thanks for the comment, I can understand not noticing the flashing Neon Sign in the distance.
I also wanted it to go in the same section with the other Comic Panels so I added an animated aspect. I was thinking of animating the rain or reuse a blink cycle. Check for the revised version.
Cool cartoon! But why is the audio so low quality?
It was downloaded from an Ipod
I think that boah is hwatchin' too much of that Mtv
Got Dang it, I’ll tell you hawhat.
cool fish guy
cool fish guy 🐟👍
Lifelong artist, animator since 2021
Joined on 1/16/21